Attention members of Super Fun, Warm and Friendly, Good Time Baptist Church!!!
Do you have an extra $50 that you have yet failed to donate to our life changing church? Well have we got a life changing deal for you!!! This weekend here at Super Fun, Warm and Friendly, Good Time Baptist Church, we are gonna have a life changing Special Event. A Life Changing Marriage Conference! That's right, we are gonna tell you how to live your life while being married! Yeah!!! Sounds like fun, right? All you have to do is sign up, and give us the money. Then Show up in the Super Fun, Warm and Friendly, Good Time Baptist Church Super Duper Mega Life Changing Conference Building and listen to our guest speaker Reverend Doctor Psychology. He will tell you things like:
How to be a good church tithing husband. How to be a submissive church tithing wife. How to raise your children to stay in church and tithe.
There will be a special life changing class at the end of the day just for you ladies entitled: "You should follow your pastor's lead, and not your husband, when your husband doesn't agree with the pastor."
So Come on down to Super Fun, Warm and Friendly, Good Time Baptist Church and get your life changing marriage instructions. Tell your "unchurched" friends about it so they to can get "churched". Everyone needs to be "churched" at Super Fun, Warm and Friendly, Good Time Baptist Church. It's Life Changing!!!
Notice: All staff members, Sunday School teachers, choir members, elders deacons, seaters and greaters are required to attend to show your support for the ministry of Super Fun, Warm and Friendly, Good Time Baptist Church.
That is so funny. I too have noticed how the religious system like to everything is "lifechanging" this, and "lifechanging" that. And " Reverend Doctor Psychology", that is so funny but yet so true!!!
That is so funny. I too have noticed how the religious system like to everything is "lifechanging" this, and "lifechanging" that. And " Reverend Doctor Psychology", that is so funny but yet so true!!!